Is Rajnigandha Pan Masala Harmful?

Posted by Smotect India on


One of the popular mouth freshener brands in India is Rajnigandha. Rajnigandha as a brand has a wide consumer base in the country due to its popularity. But did you ever think if an after-meal freshener could have any potential health risks? This blog touches upon various aspects of the Rajnigandha pan masala which may not be known and what are the safer alternatives to avoid health risks associated to Rajnigandha.

What is Rajnigandha Pan Masala made up of?

Rajnigandha pan masala is a mixture of areca nut, extract from the acacia tree, slaked lime, flavors and spices in moderation, sweeteners, and cardamom. These ingredients are processed to create the pan masala which gives a unique taste and refreshing feel.

The ingredients used in Rajnigandha pan masala have the following properties, while areca nut has stimulating effects that are psychoactive and can give you mild euphoria, its also astringent contents, the slaked lime contributes to the taste but can give your mouth chemical burns on the other hand the spices, flavouring agents and cardamom makes it edible.

While these ingredients may be bunched in a small pack and you may think that this is just a mouth freshener, it will be eye-opening to know the health risks associated with the consumption of Rajnigandha pan masala.

Rajnigandha’s harmful health effects:

Rajnigandha consumption can result in various harmful effects on your body and mind. Firstly, it affects your oral health as ingredients like areca nut have carcinogenic properties and hence this can also lead to Oral cancer. Another condition one can develop due to the consumption of Rajnigandha pan masala is Oral Submucous Fibrosis often known as OSMF. This is a condition, where the patients have restricted mouth opening and mouth pain, and further development of this condition can lead to cancer. Apart from these extreme conditions, tooth decay, gum disease staining of teeth, and psychological dependency are the major harmful effects of consuming pan masala.

Individuals who consume pan masala regularly also experience increased heart rate and blood pressure. This can affect the heart and in the long run result in heart diseases.

The addictive nature of the pan masala also makes it difficult for its consumers to quit due to withdrawal symptoms.

Considering the harmful effects that Rajnigandha pan masala has, it is important for the consumers to move towards healthier choices to live a better life like Smotect Azaadi.

What is Smotect Azaadi?

Smotect Azaadi is the world's first nicotine-free solution for chewable tobacco users. It helps tobacco and pan masala consumers reduce their dependence on nicotine which serves to curb their addiction and transform them towards healthier living.

Recommended Dosage:

Just consume two to three pouches of Smotect Azaadi per day  or have it whenever you feel the craving for pan masala or tobacco.

This flexible approach is catered towards the individual's accommodations and is another step to support and ease the journey towards quitting pan masala, gutka, and tobacco.

The contents of Smotect Azaadi  are as follows:

  • Kapikachu helps to curb tobacco cravings by enabling neurochemical balance in the brain.
  • Ashwagandha aids in stress and anxiety management.
  • Yashtimadhu enhances oral health.
  • Brahmi boosts cognitive function.
  • Green Tea provides a detoxification function.
  • Haritaki is an immunity booster.
  • Supari supports chewing gratification and also helps in digestion.
  • Tulsi has multiple health benefits.
  • Lavang helps in oral hygiene.

In addition to this, Smotect Azaadi granules are known to have a familiar taste and smell of pan masala., hence providing similar sensory pleasure and chewing gratification. Making it an effective alternative to transition away from the harmful effects of tobacco, pan masala, and gutka addiction.

Regular oral hygiene which includes brushing, and flossing can help avoid the need for additional mouth fresheners. Drinking plenty of water and having a balanced diet can make you feel energetic and full and hence cravings can be completely avoided. Having a positive social circle and focusing on meaningful activities like your work, and hobbies. All these are essential solutions to avoid consumption of pan masala and lead a healthy life.


We often see the way brands market themselves and influence our belief that products like pan masala are mere mouth fresheners or a good social custom. These products are positioned in our minds to accept as mouth fresheners and without realizing the liking for its taste converts into a habit and eventually addiction that leads to health risks. Considering the harmful health effects that Rajnigandha Pan Masala or similar brands have, it is crucial for consumers to be informed, aware, and educated about the consequences.

By making informed choices, individuals can save themselves from health risks induced by the consumption of such products and live a healthy and happier life.

It is scientifically proven that Smotect Azaadi is a natural product that prepares your body and mind to quit tobacco and manage withdrawal symptoms. Choosing products like Smotect Azaadi can help boost your health and save you from addiction. Smotect Azaadi is not just a product, it's a revolution for a healthier life post-addiction.

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