Rajnigandha Pan Masala Side Effects

Posted by Smotect India on

Chewable tobacco products have been an addiction across the country since ages. One of the major components that leads to addiction is presence of nicotine. Another product that took over this market is Rajnigandha pan masala, while there is no nicotine as a salient ingredient, the pan masala contains areca nut (betel nut), slaked lime, catechu, and added flavors. The proprieties of the areca nut are addictive and regular consumption of Rajnigandha can have adverse effects on health.

It has been observed that after awareness and government interventions, the same mass and youth have now turned towards Rajnigandha as an alternate consumption citing it as free of tobacco , mouth freshner and not realizing the adverse effects and impact that it can have on overall health.

Some of the side effects that Rajnigandha pan masala has on oral health include Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) which leads to physical impact of mouth disability, where the stiffening of the mucous membrane leads to restricted mouth opening.

Tooth decay is another oral health issue encountered on over consumption of Rajnigandha due to its lime content that is erosive to the teeth.

A more serious impact is detection of Oral Cancer in those who excessively consumer pan masala. The areca nut present in Rajnigandha is responsible for malignant tumour formation in the mouth.

Apart from Oral health impact, Rajnigandha also has other systemic health adversities which include cardiovascular problems that can further inflate to heart diseases, gastrointestinal disorders which can grow into irritable bowel syndrome and digestive issues and severe respiratory issues.

Further to physical and medical impact, the addictive nature of Rajnigandha can be a major deterrent to mental and psychological health. The addictive consumption can lead to anxiety, depression, irritation and mood swings which can further affect personal and social life. Encouraged usage can have a bad/negative influence on society and its youth and addiction can also be a financial burden to buy Rajnigandha constantly.

While government and societies have been creating awareness on the harmful effects with campaigns and educational sessions, there is also a need to have alternate solutions and healthy replacements to combat addiction and boost healthy living.

Smotect Azaadi is a new hope for individuals struggling with gutka, pan masala, nicotine and tobacco abuse. Smotect brings the world's first nicotine-free and natural solution for tobacco users. Scientifically proven, it prepares your body and mind to quit tobacco by reducing your dependence on nicotine. More than 12 herbs engineered together to deliver the perfect product.

Smotect is not only FDA approved and clinically tested but has positive results of than 95 % Chewers either quitting, reducing tobacco chewing significantly and reduction in Rajnigandha pan masala side effects.

Smotect Azaadi is precisely crafted to tackle addiction. It improves Energy, Stamina, Health and overall Freshness.  It manages the Withdrawal as well as nicotine cravings hence preventing Rajnigandha pan masala side effects. 

Physical Recovery: Smotect Azaadi helps manage the brain’s chemical balance by boosting production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA. This in turn helps curb cravings and desires to give into nicotine. Other than that, it also promotes oral and dental health. It is meant to target the Oral submucous fibrosis condition and prevent from causing further damage.

Smotect Azaadi recognizes the psychological aspect of addition, hence provides a similar chewing experience without the harm causing ingredient of pan masala and gutka. This is developed to help sever the connection and dependence one faces while withdrawal. In addition to this, retaining the familiar taste and smell of these substances, Smotect Azaadi provides the sensory pleasures. This is all done to ensure an easy transition away from the harm causing substances. 

Coming to the directions and dosages, Two - Three pouches of Smotect Azaadi per day are recommended, in some cases it is recommended to intake these pouches as per the craving arise. This flexible approach is catered towards the individual's accommodations and yet another step to support and ease the journey towards quitting pan masala, gutka and tobacco.

Moving forward to the contents of Smotect Azaadi, as discussed before, Smotect Azaadi only uses natural and chemical free ingredients. Below, listed are the major ingredients that are engineered together to offer a one stop solution for addition.

  • Kapikachu reduces the desire for tobacco, by restoring the neurochemical balance in the brain.
  • Ashwagandha relieves stress and anxiety that comes with tobacco addiction.
  • Yashtimadhu promotes oral health.
  • Brahmi alleviates mental stress caused by tobacco and boosts cognitive function.
  • Green Tea detoxifies the body.
  • Haritaki boosts immunity.
  • Supari aids digestion and provides chewing gratification.
  • Tulsi keeps the stomach healthy.
  • Lavang protects teeth.
Smotect Azaadi stands at the first line of battle against addiction. It offers practical as well as psychological solutions to those who truly wish to break away from the death chains of tobacco, gutka and pan masala addiction. With the unique and effective blend of herbs and major focus on neurotransmitter restoration, it empowers individuals to fight back. All the steps taken to ensure a tobacco free life with Smotect Azaadi is a pursuit of a healthier and happier future. Smotect Azaadi is a revolution paving the way for a brighter and better tomorrow.

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