Vimal Pan Masala: Introduction, composition, and impact

Posted by Smotect India on

What is Vimal Pan Masala?

Vimal Pan Masala is an old and one of the leading Pan Masala and Tobacco manufacturing & exporter firm of India. The company primarily is known for its Pan Masala which is made from the following ingredients such as saffron, flavoring agents, areca nut with slaked lime, catechu. Vimal Pan Masala is often mixed with tobacco also leading to health concern amongst those who have it regularly. Vimal Pan Masala is also consumed as a mouth freshener due to its flavored mixture.

The origination of Pan Masala:

During olden times, in India traditionally having betel leaves with areca nut (paan), was usually an after-meal concept due to its digestive and mouth freshening properties. This custom then gained attention by companies like Vimal and others, where this tradition was modernized by introducing more ingredients to manufacture it into an easy to chew format that of a pan masala. Vimal Pan Masala quickly captured this market since its inception in 1990 and gained a popular brand status due to its unique taste and advertising.

Cultural importance:

Apart from ”Paan” being an old Indian tradition. It also is considered as a social ritual and often an element of hospitality. It is also used in many religious ceremonies and hence accepted in India. However, the usage of tobacco and few other ingredients in the pan masala form has led to pan masala’s being adverse to health.

Effects on health:

The pan masala is their product, and the adverse effects on health cannot be ignored. Due to usage of tobacco and certain ingredients, the following health effects have been observed:

  • Oral Cancer: The ingredient of areca nut has carcinogenic properties and hence consumption of pan masala can lead to oral cancer
  • Addiction: The stimulating effects of some of the ingredients like tobacco, and the areca nut can lead to addiction
  • Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF): This is considered a stage earlier to oral cancer, restricting the function of mouth opening
  • Dental disorders and issues: Tooth decay, cavities, staining, and gum issues are some of the dental problems that can arise

Government regulatory measures:

Due to the adverse effects on health, the Government and regulatory bodies have come up with actions against companies producing and manufacturing pan masalas and gutkha. In India, many states have declared bans on products containing nicotine and tobacco, which includes Vimal Pan Masala. However, due to its high demand, a complete ban across the country is not effective yet and is still challenging.

Apart from the existence of these products in the market, the promotion and advertising of these products are under scrutiny due to celebrity brand endorsement which can have a larger influence on the youth of the country.

Solutions to address health risks:

While there are health concerns with the existence of pan masala, there has been a push-back by suggesting alternative solutions such as manufacturing tobacco-free products by promoting non-tobacco and non-carcinogenic variants more. Educating people through public awareness campaigns on the harmful effects. Enforcement of stricter regulations is another alternative to curb the addiction of tobacco and carcinogenic induced pan masala variants. Rehabilitation is another way to help individuals come out from their addiction to adopt healthy living.

While Pan Masalas are a part of the Indian culture and customs, the inclusion of carcinogens, addictive ingredients and tobacco has led to its controversial existence. The promotion of this to glamourize power, class and hospitality has created an acceptance mind-set in the Indian society without paying much attention to the health effects.

Smotect Azaadi – natural alternative to address addiction

Smotect Azaadi is a new possibility to address addiction to the consumption of gutka, pan masala, and other chewable forms of tobacco. This is a product that is the world's first nicotine-free and natural solution for tobacco users packed with natural ingredients. It functions in a scientifically proven way to act as an enabler of reducing the dependence on nicotine/tobacco by preparing your body and brain towards quitting tobaccos. It tastes, smells and provides the same chewing gratification like gutka or pan masala products, but it is chemical-free and is prepared from with therapeutic herbsherbs which are 100 % safe and natural.

It also helps repair the damage done to the body through years of tobacco usage. It helps with problems like OSMF, cuts and ulcers, stained teeth, bad breath, etc.
It smells and tastes like pan masala and gutka and also provides the same chewing gratification as chewable tobacco while being 100% safe, natural, and tobacco-free.

It is an FDA approved and GMP certified product product and has been clinically tested to provide 95% positive results of chewers reducing or quitting pan masala and tobacco products. It is a healthy replacement of Vimal Pan Masala and due to its herbal nature, has multiple health benefits.

Smotect Azaadi aims to tackle addiction. The composition of this natural product helps in improvement of energy, stamina, oral health, and overall freshness. It manages withdrawal symptoms and curbs nicotine cravings,

Smotect Azaadi is developed to help cut the connection and dependence one faces while withdrawal and reduces nicotine dependence by restoring the body’s natural balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA. Due to this, the transition from addiction to healthy living is possible with Smotect Azaadi.

Why Smotect Azaadi?

Smotect Azaadi is an innovative product that is a physical as well as psychological solution to those who truly wish to break away from the death chains of tobacco, gutka and pan masala addiction. The effective blend of herbs provide essential health benefits without taking away the experience that one may be familiar. Smotect Azaadi is a product that is a win-win for the consumer as it is a holistic solution to protect oneself from the hazards of addiction and health, both physically and psychologically.


Change always takes time, but a step towards it can lead to revolution. It is important that consumers become more aware and informed about the ill-effects of pan masala products and there is more influence of not consuming these products than glamourizing brands with these products. The responsibility not only lies with the government, regulators for creating awareness but also with public figures and celebrities to not promote these habits through media as that can have negative influence. The onslaught of such products in the market will reduce only when the demand of these products reduces, and the market eventually shrinks.. The sentimental and social valuation of these products also need to be re-positioned to touch every corner of India. Such steps can help promote healthier living.

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