What is Gutkha?

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A mixture of tobacco, paraffin wax, slake lime and sweet flavours in a chewable form is known as Gutka. Gutkha that contains tobacco is addictive in nature which has harmful effects on health. Some of the harmful effects due to chewing Gutkha with tobacco can be life threatening as its addictive consumption causes throat cancer, oral and oropharyngeal cancers, coronary heart disease, and negative reproductive effects such as stillbirth, premature birth, and low birth weight.

Despite its harmful effects, gutkha is widely available and is manufactured in the sub-continent and exported to a few other countries. The combination of gutkha ingredients varies according to local preferences, and spices may include mustard, turmeric, anise seeds, cardamom, saffron, and cloves.

Using gutka can cause a number of adverse health effects, including throat cancer, oral cancer, oral submucous fibrosis, esophagus cancer, and pancreatic cancer, cardiovascular disease, and asthma It also raises the risk of fatal coronary artery disease, fatal stroke, and non-fatal ischemic heart disease.

How to Quit Gutkha?

Any kind of addiction is tough to battle. Overcoming the addiction of Gutkha and tobacco mixture is also challenging, but not impossible. There are various tactics one can use to embark on the journey of quitting Gutkha which includes settling a timeline, identifying triggers that makes one desire consumption and addressing it in a step-by-step approach and also indulging in engaging activities which include hobbies, work, exercising etc can help. But if you are looking for a transformation that will help you transition smoothly and also help in damage repair which is already caused due to this habit, then Smotect Azaadi is the right product for you.

Smotect Azaadi: Your Way to Stop Using Pan Masala and Tobacco

Smotect Azaadi offers a natural, and nicotine-free herbal product to help people give up chewable tobacco, including gutka and pan masala. This mix aims to make quitting easier and more successful while also trying to repair the harm from years of tobacco consumption.

Smotect Azaadi is the world's first 100% natural and nicotine free solution for tobacco users. It has FDA approval and GMP certification. The is a careful blend of Ayurvedic herbs, each picked for its qualities that help to quit tobacco and bring back health. Smotect Azaadi helps you through your entire quitting process by handling cravings, easing withdrawal signs, and boosting your overall health.

Smotect Azaadi is clinically proven to have a 95 % success rate. 95% of tobacco users either quit or reduce tobacco chewing significantly.

How Smotect Azaadi Helps You Quit Gutka?

Smotect Azaadi is precisely crafted to tackle addiction. It improves Energy, Stamina, Health and overall Freshness.  It manages the Withdrawal as well as nicotine cravings.

Physical Recovery: Smotect Azaadi helps manage the brain’s chemical balance by boosting production of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and GABA. This in turn helps curb cravings and desires to give into nicotine. Other than that, it also promotes oral and dental health.

Smotect Azaadi recognizes the psychological aspect of addition, hence provides a similar taste, smell and chewing experience without the harm causing ingredient of pan masala and gutka. This is developed to help sever the connection and dependence one faces while withdrawal.

How to Avoid Gutkha?

Quitting any addiction is tough and needs will power. While the degree of commitment, control is an individualistic choice one makes to transform their lives by quitting Gutkha or avoiding it, there are still people who struggle in this process. One can take small steps towards quitting gutkha which includes support and alternatives. While you can seek support from the right sources in this journey, switching to Smotect Azaadi is beneficial to make quitting a smoother and healthier process.

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